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White rumped Shama feeding their babies

By An Nguyen - Friday, April 3, 2015 No Comments
White rumped Shama feeding their babies. Mother of them bringing a worm back to her nest. Here them growing up each day. Mother Bird take of theme and cleaning nest.
White rumped Shama

White-rumped Shama: Native to Southeast Asia, this bird has a glossy blue-black head, nape, back and upperbreast. It has black wings and tail, white rump and outer tail feathers, rufous belly and lower breast, a black bill and pink legs and feet. Long tail enables it to change directions quickly in the dense underbrush it prefers. Feeds on insects, earthworms and fruit.

he white-rumped shama (Copsychus malabaricus) is a small passerine bird of the family Muscicapidae. Native to densely vegetated habitats in the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, its popularity as a cage-bird and songster has led to it being introduced elsewhere.

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