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Pied bushchat singing the best song ever

By An Nguyen - Saturday, May 2, 2015 No Comments
The pied bushchat (Saxicola caprata) is a small passerine bird found ranging from West Asia and Central Asia to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. About sixteen subspecies are recognized through its wide range with many island forms. It is a familiar bird of countryside and open scrub or grassland where it is found perched at the top of short thorn trees or other shrubs, looking out for insect prey. 
This male Pied BushChat was very tame and visited the plot regularly. It looked really smart in its full breeding plumage with jet black body contrasting to the white rump and under tail coverts. It also regularly performed its short sweet song.
  Pied bushchat
Many male passerines show a marked peak of singing activity before sunrise. It is generally believed that the main functions of the dawn song are mate attraction and territory defence.

We examined whether seasonal patterns of dawn song characteristics (i.e. song rate and level of song complexity) of male Pied Bush Chat were related with different breeding stages (unpaired, laying, nestling and fledgling). It was predicted that if the main function of dawn singing in Pied Bush Chat is to attract the female, then males should change their dawn singing behaviour after pairing.

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