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Lyrebird – The Mimic

By An Nguyen - Thursday, April 2, 2015 No Comments
Lyrebird – The Mimic: A complex larynx enables the Lyrebird to create an incredible array of different sounds, ranging from its own songs to songs based on human sounds, such as a chainsaw, laser beams or camera shutters.
The lyrebird’s superpower is the ability to mimic an incredible array of sonic information, which it uses as a self-defense mechanism to intimidate and hide from its predators.

This remarkable bird is able to mimic as many as 20 different species at a time and constantly sings its own songs and other tunes in an effort to keep safe. Lyrebirds are indigenous to Australia, found in the Great Dividing Range and the rainforest close to the border of Queensland and New South Wales.

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