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Tardigrades – Captain Indestructible

By An Nguyen - Thursday, April 2, 2015 No Comments
Tardigrades – Captain Indestructible: Nicknamed “Water Bears” because of their cuddly, non-threatening appearance, Tardigrades are the hardiest survivors of the animal kingdom, able to deal with deadly extremes that would kill the vast majority of life on Earth.

Tardigrades can be exposed to temperatures close to absolute zero, extreme heat and pressure greater than what’s found at the bottom of the ocean. They survive by utilizing cryptobiosis, in which the animal ceases metabolic life processes and dehydrates to about 3 percent of its usual water content.
Through this process, Tardigrades have survived in the vacuum of space for 10 days before being revived. Researchers believe Tardigrades can endure dehydration for ten years and still survive.

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